Make your life better. Call me (817) 264-7070

Services Provided


Life coaching, often called personal coaching or simply “coaching,” is a one-on-one, collaborative process in which a trained professional (the coach) helps you (the client), achieve your personal life goals. These goals may include just about anything: more self confidence, weight loss, career change, better relationships, and many more. People from every possible age, background, and occupation get coaching, but they all have one thing in common: a desire to achieve something more in their personal or professional life. Whatever your goals, a professional coach gives you motivation, accountability and support, keeping you focused and taking action from week to week.

Individual Coaching

What’s YOUR version of peak performance and ultimate achievement this year? Maybe it’s launching your business, becoming an ideal partner in your relationship, mastering your health or living out your greatest purpose in life. Whatever peak performance means for you, get there faster with me by your side.

Couples & Family Coaching

The goals of Gottman Method Coaching are to disarm conflicting verbal communication; increase intimacy, respect, and affection; remove barriers that create a feeling of stagnancy; and create a heightened sense of empathy and understanding within the context of the relationship.

Parents Support Coaching

Parents receive guidance and learn tools to nurture their relationship with their children and gain a renewed sense of energy and hope.


Beginning therapy can be a big step toward being the healthiest version of yourself or your child and living the best life possible—no matter what challenges you may be facing. Through therapy, you can change self-destructive behaviors and habits, resolve painful feelings, improve your relationships, and more.

Currently, Dr. Daniela provides online psychotherapy through the American Academy of Mental Health. Send Dr. Daniela a message to start psychotherapy today! 

Individual Therapy

You or your child will work individually with a caring, reliable therapist in a safe and confidential environment to achieve their goals.








Mental Health Courses

Clients get to know others with similar experiences while giving and receiving feedback, gaining support, and increasing self-awareness. Dr. Krotzer is partnering with the American Academy of Mental Health to provide live and on-demand mental health courses. To find out more or sign up, visit

Back by popular demand, Dr. Krotzer provides one-on-one mental health courses. To find out more, book a consultation session now!








What’s the difference between therapy and coaching?

Many therapists are branching out into coaching services, and many coaches advertise services that sound a lot like therapy. What’s the difference between therapy and coaching?

Fundamental tasks

The most basic difference is in what these professions do. Therapists assess, diagnose, and treat mental illness. As such, therapists often focus their work on identifying and reducing symptoms. 

Coaches motivate and encourage people to achieve specific goals. Because it does not involve identifying and reducing symptoms, coaches often describe their work as being more positive in nature. 

Of course, there is overlap – many therapists focus attention on client strengths and resources, and many coaches aim to reduce and resolve the problems that stand in the way of clients achieving their goals. 


States heavily regulate therapy. Therapists typically must be licensed or working under supervision, and licensure requires a graduate degree along with significant additional experience. Consumers who believe that their therapist behaved unprofessionally can file a complaint with the therapist’s state licensing board, which has the power to investigate and discipline licensees. 

Coaching, on the other hand, is largely unregulated. Anyone can call themselves a “coach” and open a coaching business, regardless of training or experience. While coaching is a legitimate field with a growing research base and a code of ethics, adherence to that code of ethics is entirely voluntary.


Some therapists find that marketing their services as “coaching” allows them to reach clients they would not otherwise reach. Some consumers are reluctant to attend therapy, but are willing to meet with a coach. In addition, because of the legal challenges involved with doing therapy across state lines (licensure laws are different from one state to the next, with many states effectively not allowing telehealth to be provided by therapists licensed in another state), some therapists seek to expand their geographic reach by offering services under a coaching framework instead.

Ultimately, both professions have value, and the work can look fairly similar between therapy and coaching. But once the assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of mental illness is involved, that work becomes therapy.

October 30, 2019

Currently, Dr. Daniela provides online psychotherapy at the American Academy of Mental Health Send Dr. Krotzer a message to either start today!


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(817) 264-7070



Mon – Fri: 9 am – 8 pm